Real State

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Your Lifetime Realtor

Since there are more obstacles for real estate agents to overcome in closing and winning more deals due to the fact that buyers now have a wide range of options available to them when making investment decisions, agents and other professionals find it harder and harder to draw in new clients as the real estate market becomes more competitive.

Salesforce satisfies the varied needs of real estate agents and real estate firms and assists in managing relationships between buyers, sellers, agents, brokers, developers, and financial institutions.

The real estate CRM system handles the end-to-end process management for real estate companies, handling everything from monitoring incoming requests to creating price estimates, from selling commercial real estate to property management.

Having a goal for your life

  • Giving each Agent a 360-degree picture of all the customers
  • Shorter sales cycle and a quicker path through the sales funnel
  • Using AI, create insightful and predictive analysis
  • Delivering client service using all available channels
  • Make the system accessible to your representatives from any location and on any device
  • Sales, service, and marketing automation
  • Control the entire process with a Centralized database